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今年一月, about 10 minutes from Parador Cazadero at kilometer 143 of the Mexico-地方 highway, 有很多松散的土壤. With the slightest breeze, it would rise, covering houses, cars, and people with dust. 今天, 在同一个空间里, there is a soccer field donated by Transportadora de Gas Natural de la Huasteca (TGNH), 这是联邦电力委员会(CFE)和TC能源公司的合作项目, 作为与社区济州岛委员会成员达成协议的一部分. 然而,没有人预料到这个项目的规模.

“济州岛局长告诉我,‘你超出了所有人的预期!’”安娜·莫雷诺说, 来自圣胡安的利益相关者参与团队Río, 地方, Parador Cazadero在哪里.

站在崭新的足球场前, 有可容纳370人的看台, 人造草, 浴室, 还有更衣室, 旧金山Valerio, 卡萨德罗镇的Ejido专员, 圣胡安德尔Río, 说, “很多孩子来这里练习两三个小时, 他们忘记了他们的手机或更糟的事情. 因为有很多年轻人无事可做. 不要去想不好的事情, 现在他们来到这里, 得到动力, 忘掉这一切吧. What a pride it would be for the community if tomorrow a young person became a professional and came from here!"

The new Cazadero pitch has bleachers for 370 people, 人造草, 浴室, 还有更衣室.


“我们收到了很多人非常积极的评价,Ana Moreno说, “例如, 从旁边街道路过的孩子那里. 许多人停下来看看田野, and they just want the evening to come because that's when they have the chance to go out and play on the field. And, well, from the moms and local authorities, the comments have been very positive. They even started comparing: 'a certain community doesn't have one' or 'in another community, 他们只造了一块土地, 没有草的... 他们肯定非常满意."

12岁的克里斯蒂安就是其中之一. He is in the sixth grade at the 20 de Noviembre elementary school, very close by. “我和四五个朋友一起来训练. 这块地很好. 他们做得很好. 我真的很喜欢它的大小,”他说. 他的母亲jassica也同意. She 说 her son has played on other local fields, but none compared to this one.

The field was officially inaugurated on July 16 by our Vice President of External Relations, 拉斐尔•加西亚, 还有州长, Mauricio Kuri. 然而, 自去年5月建成以来, it has been used to train a team to participate in the inaugural game against a children's team from the capital city of 地方.

“通过这些项目,我们正在改变数百人的生活. 通过和卡萨德罗合作, 我们离向该州和该地区输送天然气更近了一步,拉斐尔解释道。.

The community of Cazadero is located in an area through which a segment of our Tula-Villa de Reyes (TVDR) system passes.

There are currently 40 boys and 15 girls training, two days a week, 每天三小时.


建好场地后, the idea was to form a team of boys and girls to represent the community in the opening game. 对于这个, 瓦莱里奥找到了费德里科·帕雷德斯, a local industrial engineer who has been playing soccer since he was 12 years old. 如今,他50岁了.

“我找教练是因为他一直很喜欢足球. 他还在打球. 我们年轻的时候一起在球队打球. 所以我邀请了他. 第一天,大约有五六十个孩子来了. He didn't know what to do: 'if 10 or 20 show up, I can manage them well, but 50 or 60...!瓦莱里奥说:“好消息是,其他年轻人也加入了他的行列。.

因此, 经过数周的首场比赛准备, 帕雷德斯相信他们会取得好的结果. “我相信这个领域将对社区非常有用. 就目前而言,这是一种新奇. 许多孩子都有兴趣来看它. 所以,他们来训练. And thanks to that, you no longer see them on the streets or glued to their cell phones," he 说.

目前, there are 40 boys and 15 girls training two days a week (Wednesdays and Fridays), 每天三小时. “这是混合训练. We do activities to promote the integration of boys with girls," explains the coach



足球场 is the first of three projects that TGNH is developing as part of an aid initiative for the Cazadero community. 除了已完工的足球场, 几米外的斗牛场正在重建中.

Furthermore, work is underway to repair a street that connects the soccer field with 在斗牛场. 这些项目预计将于11月完工.

足球场, 在斗牛场, and the street are part of the legacy that our TVDR system leaves in this community. It is important to highlight that this pipeline also passes through the state of Hidalgo, 这将允许我们在那里复制这些类型的动作, 为社区带来非常积极的社会效益.

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